Thursday, November 26, 2015 prince

A month ago on returning from a trip to Jo'burg we found my poor William had passed away. It seems that it had only happened in the last few hours before we arrived home, as Lindo, our gardener said to Johan the following morning that he was still fine late afternoon when he stopped work for the day.
I cried all night long as guilt at leaving him for two days ate away at my conscience. He had been blind for a number of years and it worried me that moving him down would cause him stress, even though his first home was back here.
I remember Johan surprizing me with him one was totally unexpected and just more than a month after my birthday in 2004. I have always loved cocker spaniels, they are my favourite breed of dog and with the children being older and knowing the right way to handle dogs, Johan felt that the time was right to spoil me with a puppy. He was a pedigree and had been born at the beginning of May but for obvious reasons had to stay with his mum and siblings until he was weaned.
At the time Johan was driving back and forth to Pretoria and William was the first of our dogs that I allowed to lie in our room next to our bed....even at times letting him climb on the bed!!!!!!
Some months later, at the end of February 2015, William traveled up in the back of the bakkie together with Neo and Trinity, our two Great Danes as we journeyed towards our new home.  I was following behind the entire journey and I remember that for most of the trip the rain was pouring down around us and the wind was blowing fiercely making it difficult to drive.  At one point in the dark of the night, I saw something flying from the bakkie and my imagination thought it was William flying out through the open window, ears flapping in the strong winds. In shock I grabbed my cell phone and dialled Johan's number. Between sobs of a certainty that William was gone forever I told Johan what I had seen. He pulled over to the shoulder of the highway and in the pouring rain dashed out and had a look in the back of his bakkie. I had pulled in behind him and waited with baited breath. Still in the pouring rain with the cold wind beating around him, he ran to my car and as I cracked the window just enough to keep the rain out but open enoufh to hear Johan speak, he assured me that William was still in the back with his two mates and companions.  I know I saw something blowing from the bakkie and after checking what was strapped on the roofracks, realized that it must have been a piece of cardboard packed between things that with continuous flapping  eventually ripped off and blew away.  To say I was relieved was an understatement and over the years the story has been regaled with much mirth by my family.
For many years William had a whale of a time on the plot....chasing the wild rabbits and buck through the long grasses. I can still see him running and bouncing up in the air with his ears flapping out at the side of his head. He was never quick enough and was always outrun by his 'prey', but he never gave up the chase.
In the last 3, maybe 4 years, he lost his sight and for his own safety we erected a fence around the back portion of the house so that he was enclosed and wouldn't wander off losing his bearings. He spent most of his time sleeping in his bed in the kitchen before we moved back down here.  He learned a route from his bed, along the edge of the kitchen cupboards and out of the back door.  With time he walked less and stayed close to the back but he had a love for us all that he never lost. His food bowl was always in the same place close to his bed and he knew exactly where the water bucket was situated on the back verandah.  Once we decided to move back we talked many times about whether we should bring him with us or whether we should put him down.  Being blind he would have to learn his surroundings again but neither Johan nor I had the heart to take him to the vet.  He was my baby and I just couldn't do it.  In the first week here after following me around the house from the back to the front, he frll into the swimming pool. Thank goodness he has always been a good swimmer and as he swam around trying to find a place to climb out, we reached in and pulled him out. He didn't seem any the worse for wear but after that incident, we closed up the back verandah on the pool side so he couldn't get close again.  He needed to be reassured we were close by though, to hear our voices and movement  on the verandah and the kitchen otherwise he started to stress.  This is why I felt so bad when we arrived home after two days away to find he had passed away. Although Lindo was here, William I am sure knew we were gone and that was just too much for him.
My boy held a very special place in my heart. I will not forget him for a long time.  I hope he was as happy with me as a parent as he made me as a parent.  Love for a pet is a special kind of unconditional love...RIP William.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Speaking From the Heart

I have just read a letter received, which was in my opinion really petty and mean.  This year has been a trying year for our family as a whole, in many aspects, but we have stood together and held our heads high.  Through all that has happened, our goal as a family has been to be truthful, love one another through thick and thin and not partake in or listen to any gossip.

Gossip is a terrible thing, and as someone recently said to my husband when confronted on repeating something...'it is not gossip if it is true'....well I don't think that is a truth in itself, as, and again in my opinion, gossip is saying anything about another person if they are not present....whether good or bad, but usually bad.

Over time, and more particularly I would say in the last 12/13 years, I have been prey to many gossipers and I confess I have been one to gossip myself, but as I have gotten on in years I have come to realize how hurtful and hateful gossip can be.

Those who know me, know that I profess to being a believer in Jesus Christ, in other words I call myself a Christian.  As a Christian, and trying and failing every day to follow God's commandments, I find that it is in many instances, fellow Christians who are the worst at gossiping and passing judgement on others.  I think we have forgotten what it is to love one another...for this is the greatest of all God's commands after 'You shall have no other god's before me'.

When did mankind decide that we should give out 'hurt for hurt'?
When did people make it their mission to destroy others, especially those who are or may at some point have been close to them?
When did the world become so full of evil that our waking thoughts become filled with how best to pay back the person/s who have turned their back/s on us?
When did it become 'okay' to snoop in our loved one's lives?
When did we start justifying our errors as 'protecting our own rights'?
When did the innocent victim become a part of this payback?

Why should those who are chronically ill have to suffer at the hand of one who is seeking revenge?
Why does a family have to suffer for the mistakes of one in the unit?
Why does a family business have to be destroyed at the expense of the scorned?
Why does a person have to be threatened with lawyer letters?

What happened to forgiveness?
What happened to moving on?

Where does it all stop?

We have forgotten how to be polite to each other.  People walk around daily with anger in their lives.  We cannot even talk to some people without involving a lawyer...why is that?

People talk about karma, but what is Karma?  Karma, as I understand it is the act of receiving in the same manner you have dealt out.  Quite frankly I do not believe in Karma.

I think I am what many might call a 'good' person.  I have been the best wife and mother I know how.  I have been around for teaching and homework and making lunches and lifting for play dates.   I have been a friendly neighbour.....helping with meals and grocery shopping and lifting to hospital appointments and lending out money on a non return basis.  I have given to the poor and championed the cause of the under privileged....going into the poorer areas to fetch children for Sunday School and youth and buying them Bibles and giving them gifts.   I have in the past made hospital visits to sick children in the wards, spending time with them and helping them when sick and their parents are at work.  I have taught Sunday School and been a Youth leader....and all those children that passed under my wing are still 'my children'.  I have led a Bible study.....growing together with those who came to listen.  I have worked in school tuck shops and baked for bake sales and sewn school play costumes and made chair bags.  I have given lifts to children to extra curricular activities for friends who could not get away from work, even dropping them for exams.  I have bussed sports teams and stood on the sidelines supporting every child I know.  I have loved our wider family to distraction, seeing the good in everyone, giving them all another  I might think myself I have been a good person, and if this were the case then 'good karma' should follow me.  BUT it doesn' does this mean that all my faults, the bad things about me, my thoughts, far outweigh the good in me?

I believe that we live a life of free will.  We know what is right from wrong. What we choose to do, or think, or say, comes from within and how we act is what we will ultimately be judged upon one day.  I try very hard to keep my nose clean.  I stay away from trouble makers and live every day for my family.  Oh I know they are none of them perfect, but who is?  Sometimes it may take years to mend broken bridges, but I eventually do.  I am a peacemaker at please I beg of you...will you let me now have some peace.....