Saturday, December 14, 2013

What fills my cupboard that doesn't fill yours

A very strange heading you are probably thinking, but today, cleaning out the cupboard in NiQi's old room I realized that it is filled with things that not everyone has....

An oxygen machine...
An oxygen cylinder...
A whole shelf just for tins of shake...
Feed bags and connectors...
And loads of nebulizers...

The nebulizers have history to them and can tell tales of their own...probably and more especially how many times they were meant to be used and actually weren'

Looking back over the years we started with a Respineb...maroon in colour it makes a hang of a noise when it is in use. I see from the date inside it says was the first nebulizer we ever bought and I remember the battle we had buying it. The lady ay the pharmacy didn't seem to understand why we wanted to buy one and kept trying to get me to hire one from them. Eventually we got it and Mark used it for many years before we got the Pari Inhalierboy. That was an excellent machine and worked so much quicker and was more effective than the Respineb. I could kick myself for giving it to a friend to use some years later as they never gave it back...

Since then we have had many...boxed away when not effective any more....

These are the things I have to pack away in my cupboard and I guess that's why I battle to find space for my sheets and towels....

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