Earlier in the week I spent the morning cleaning all the spider webs away from both the inside and around the bird suspended cages. Not a job I enjoy, but it had to be done. I have been putting it off for some weeks now, but every day when I feed the birds and look into their cages I realize that it's not fair to the birds to have to share their space with the tough elasticized webs that have developed. These are not spiders that spin their web at night and then pack it up in the dawn of morning, no these are spiders that like a cuckoo move in and take over.
Before I started I filled a bucket with water and found the perfect one to use amongst those we have stored away...a nappy bucket. One with a lid that has a removable centre, which to my way of thinking was just perfect for the purpose. Then I took a load of old palm fronds which have just been left with the central stem after the lovebirds have chewed of the leafy bits, and cage by cage I pushed them in and after entering the very centre of the web, proceeded to turn it around and around with the same action of making candy floss...lastly scooping at any stray strands left floating in the wind. Carefully removing the frond, I then plunged it in the bucket of water, hoping that whatever was on it would drown. Just to make sure I sprayed up and down the full length in case there was anything that escaped the water level and managed to climb up. Cage by cage I cleared the webs out and the birds are now much happier and can fly the full length without getting tangled.
Contrary to the above and my reason to eliminate these pesky webs, I have been watching my 'friend' Charlotte daily and wondering and waiting to see when her egg sac will hatch. Well today it has....this morning when I was in the bird room I noticed that Charlotte is no longer carrying it around with her and further up her web are loads and loads of tiny little spiders... At this stage they are so minute that they cannot possibly do any harm to man or beast, or so I hope anyway, but I wonder how brave I will feel when I see them growing and I am wondering where they will all go??????
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