Thursday, February 13, 2014

I've been

Yes I have...I've been pranked and by none other than Matthew and Jess who were in cahoots together...

Last evening I had a message from Jess on Whatsapp...

"Hello moo I can't believe what Matthew has just told me - he said he has booked to go wing suit flying with Jeb Corliss - (pic of a furious face)  will send you small clip of what it's all about."
"Please watch this and let Matthew know what you think!"
"Cos I can't convince him that it's stupidly dangerous."
'Did you get the clip?"
"Sorry video I sent?"

So I read this a couple of times, digesting the contents and thought to myself...hold on now, if it's something he really wants to do then I must break it to Jess gently and tell her she must just be supportive.  So this was my response to her...

"No, not yet. I have seen people doing it before.  Not my kind of thing but I must say the insert I saw in one of the programs showed how safe it is. I mad as you think he is, you should support his decision. Pray about it and ask God to protect him. When is he doing it?"

I then proceeded to 'Google' Jeb Corliss and tell both Johan and NiQi what Matthew was planning to do and how upset Jess was.  My word but there are a lot of video clips of Jeb Corliss on the internet, including one from 1999 headlined...'Jeb Corliss has near fatal base jump into the Howick Falls....'  My heart started pumping and I then I thought, well 1999 was a long time ago and if he is still alive then he has become better and if he is so good at this then he will guide Matthew through it perfectly....

Jess replied:
"He is going tomorrow to do it (shocked face pic).  It's scary but I suppose I must just support him and pray about it!  I just don't like heights at all!"

When I read that, the thought fleetingly went through my mind that I didn't think Matthew was a fan of heights either, but it was so fleeting that I brushed it off. So I said back to her:

"I don't like heights either and maybe Matthew will lose his nerve, but if he does go through with it I hope he has fun. You only live once and I believe if you have an opportunity to do something and it's on your bucket list then you should do it.  I will also pray about it.  The video hasn't come through yet..."
"I hope someone video's it..."
"Love you lots and lots." (with a thumbs up sign and lots of heart to encourage Jess into believing it's going to be okay)
"Is he doing it at Howick Falls?"

"lol moo he said he is doing it at Cathedral Peak and Howick Falls would cause him to go splash very quickly."

I'm watching videos now and I'm scared but I won't dissuade him.  I will pray so hard tonight and tomorrow." ( pic of praying hands x3)

By this time I'm also having a whatsapp conversation with my sister about something else, as well as looking at my nieces photo's on facebook of her engagement photo shoot....multi tasking is my thing!!!!!lol

To show Matthew my support I sms'd him:
"My boy I love you and I pray you enjoy yourself tomorrow. Be careful. Listen carefully. (meaning listen to the people organizing it.) Have fun. (lots of hearts)

?Careful with? Guy says he has jumped amphitheatre plenty of times...."
"Should be eezy peezy"

"Two thumbs up. Love you."

The next bit should have thrown me, but if you don't know about something, you don't argue and you don't pretend you do...well I don't...

"Have to drink 5 litres water before tomorrow morning and do 200 sit ups."

"Oh my word... I would spend the night on the loo after drinking so much...and as for the sit ups...well I don't think I will manage 20!!!!! Good luck with that."
"I hope you get some photo's to show us."

The next comment is vetted **********

Then I heard from Jess again...
"Matt just got into his squirrel suit and it's a bit loose. He said he will need to fill it with cottonwool tomorrow!  If he doesn't he said his suit may rip - and of all nights to realize we don't have any tissues/cottonwool to fill his suit. (bemused face)

"I am sure they will sort it out in the morning...hopefully they have experience of this being the case.  Did you take a photo?"

"Photo coming"
"and we ready" (grinning face)

Photo came through...not very clear. I had to look very carefully and not knowing if it it the real deal, I just took it as such....

"Hehe...Matthew looks like Batman"

"He does." (3 funny faces)

And then it came.......

Moo you know this is a joke hey? I didn't....I thought it was all serious....Jess then proceeded to send me all sorts of apologies and hoped I wasn't crying...

"No I'm not crying and in a way I'm a bit sad." (because I hoped he would be doing it and I would be able to do a whole blog on my brave adventurous son)
"I did wonder though when he seemed so brave. "
"What a good joke."
"Not mean at all. Just shows how gullible and supportive I am."

So there you kids 'pranked' me....haha...they are good...

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