Saturday, July 19, 2014

This is a 'Me' Day

Today is a 'me' one home here but me and being Saturday I'm not going to do something if I don't feel like it.  Naturally I have responsibilities that I have to see to, but the rest of the day is mine - and by the rest of the day I guess I'm meaning the 6 hours I have between morning and afternoon chores.  The problem I have with deciding that today will be a 'me' day, is that there are so many things I want to do, that I can't decide what to do....

I could lie on the couch all day and watch DVD's...the only problem is we have so many to choose from that I can't decide - so it won't be that...

I could lie around and read a good book....but I know me, once I get started then I find it difficult to put down and just want to carry on reading - so it won't be that either...

I could work on the craft projects I have under way...but I do that most days when I have a few minutes to spare - so it won't be that...

I could catch up on my emails - and I tried that but after a most frustrating hour of network problems and not being able to get a connection, I gave up on that...

I could start on sorting out everything that has been shoved into the cupboard in the back room...but on opening the door and having a whole load of 'stuff' fall out onto the carpet in a big heap, I sighed and decided it won't be that...

I could do some sewing...I have a long list of things I want to make - new cushion covers, pet beds for our mutts, track pants for me, try out a pattern to make a bag - nah, not today...

I could sort out the curtains in NiQi's flat...hem those for her kitchen and re-hang the ones in her lounge that have been pulled off the rail because it is so high and not easy to open and close - but then I will have to bring the ladder in from the shed and I don't feel like doing that either, so nope not that either...

Oh what the heck...I will go and fill the washing machine and get cracking on the dirty laundry, stomp on the bedcover I have soaking in the bath, vacuum the carpets and whip over them quickly with the carpet shampooer, soak the sago to make a pudding for tonight, clean up outside and pack away all the tools etc Johan has left lying around, wash all the bird bowls, check the horses water troughs, feed the kittens, play with the dogs and have a day like any other....  this is my 'me' day....

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