Sunday, February 15, 2015

Packing Up

So now we have established that we are moving on, there is so much packing we need to do.  Boxes are to be collected and filled with a life's accumulation.  I don't need to mention that under the carport we have 15 tubs filled with things that have never had a space to be unpacked into since moving here 10 years ago.  I know at this point some would say that if they have never been unpacked then we may as get rid of whatever is in them, but we can't.  There have been occasions that I have needed something in one of them and have sought out the labelled tub to find what it is I need.  One good thing is that everything in the tubs is already packed up which will save me some time....

I am going room by room and already find I have empty shelves and cupboards, boxes packed and nowhere to go with them.  Space has always been a problem for us here....our home is average size, smaller than we were used to, but things are definitely cramped with furniture and bits and pieces.  Needless to say, we left Matthew with enough furniture to keep him comfortable when we left, the flat is fully furnished for NiQi and both the garage in Willow Lane and the shed here is filled with more furniture.  On the upside, I have been able to move things around and in and out at will, just for a change of scenery!!!

Things on walls that I don't want to leave behind are coming off and being packed in too.  Although we have no definite date as yet to move, I want to be ready.  This time I want to leave with the house properly cleaned...walls washed down, cupboards scrubbed out, floors and carpets cleaned.  Johan needs to fit a new stove in the house before then as the one that was here when we arrived didn't ever work properly and was given away as scrap some time ago.  The gas stove in the flat we will take with us.

When we moved here we were rather rudely pushed out with our tenants opting to move in at the same time as we moved out, instead of at the end of the month which had been agreed upon.  I have decided we will not be pushed around or bullied into leaving when it suits the new tenants...we will make the decision when the time is right and this time we will be sure they will be stuck the meantime there is much to do....

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