This may seem a weird topic to blog about as it really has nothing to do with 'us' and Larkwood Life, but I have been sitting on this and pondering it for a while. It all started when reading another blog and there on the side bar was a brand new 'blog award'. Now this particular blog has won an award before - many years ago mind you, but still, it did and it has. The person that writes this blog, writes fairly regularly and I am drawn to reading it, not because it is enthralling reading, or even insightful, but the author has an interesting topic. In this last year, I have noticed that the style and mood of writing has moved from informative and interesting, to boring and depressing. The blogger continues to complain about her c----- life, her horrible job, moans about just about everything under the sun, doesn't seem to know any other synonyms for 'nice'... and the only thing I enjoy at the moment are the pictures of her cat...and yet she has won an award.
So I did a little research into this award and realized that it isn't even anything to brag about as it is given out by a fellow blogger who obviously decided from their blog list who deserved a blog award from them....from best to 35th on their list. Now if you are going to brag about receiving an award like this, surely it should be something of value, something to be proud of - like receiving an Oscar or an Emmy, then you can be justified in displaying it on your blog and bragging about receiving it. I know I am being critical, and yes I have noticed some errors in some of my blogs, but these are things I would look out for if giving out an award.
Language - spelling and proper word usage, like 'there' instead of 'their' and 'you're' instead of 'your'...
Style of writing - including good sentence construction
Is it Topical - sticking to it's name and
Is it believable - does the content sound true to the circumstances
I then did further research into the SA Blog Awards, which have been handed out for some years now with big ceremonies and trophies etc, etc and I thought to myself, well here we last something that is 'real'...that is until I read two blogger articles from the last two years that seem to think that the SA Blog Awards has turned into a farce and is not worth mentioning. So, big sigh, what is a blog award for these days and who determines the winners? Winning a blog award is like entering a competition, it's the luck of the draw and the decision is made by those who create the event...if they like your entry, you win....
Just watch this space, I'm going to give my own 'blog awards' and you better believe that they will be as worthy as an Oscar....BWAHAHAHA.....
Examples of blog awards....
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