Monday, November 25, 2013

Ready, Steady...

We are ready and waiting for Switch to have her foal.  Excitement abounds at Larkwood as we all go outside at regular intervals to check on our expectant lady.  NiQi worked out, according to her calculations, that she is due anytime soon and all the signs are there.

Johan was certain he saw her having a contraction late yesterday afternoon, however NiQi thinks it was more than likely the foal moving and settling itself in the right position.  This is the first foal we have had so we are not sure of all to expect...NiQi has 'Googled' and read quite a bit and there are video's people have placed on 'You Tube' showing the birth of a foal, so we are hoping that all will go well.  Switch is fit, strong and well nourished, so we will let nature take it's course.  NiQi also e-mailed our vet to ask if there are any injections we need to give the foal in the first few hours or days and he replied that the first injections it will need are between two and three months. She is all prepared with a medical kit she has put together, but I am hoping we won't need to use anything in it.

Johan and NiQi went off this morning to find straw bales and came home with 10.  The stable area which is big enough for all the horses together has been cleaned, the straw spread all over the floor, a new light fitting fixed inside and chairs set up ready to witness the it sound like we are excited or what!!!!!

We have separated Switch from the other horses now and she is fine, but Navajo is beside himself.  He goes off to graze for a bit with August and Angel, then leaves them to go back and find Switch.  Hopefully he will soon get used to the separation, because after the foal is born we want to keep them apart for at least a month.

Maybe it will all happen tonight...who knows...

NiQi giving 'mom' and baby hugs

Expectant Lady resting

Stable cleaned and ready

even chairs have been set

Making herself comfortable

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