Tuesday, September 3, 2013


It's spring, officially and yet if you look around outside you wouldn't think so.  It is dry and dusty and so depressing.  The house is always dirty and all day long we walk in grass.  Sigh...  After a fire ravaged through our area just two weeks ago it looks worse than ever.
Evidence of the Fire

The horses are finding they have less and less to graze on and it's a good thing they are being supplemented both in the mornings and the evenings.  NiQi is now putting Switch into the back camp...not every day, but every second day, just so that she gets used to being separated from the other horses before she foals.  She's starting to get quite rotund and it's all very exciting.


Today a chap came round to our plot to test our boreholes.  He is a consultant to the company that is planning on mining Fluorspar on the other side of the N1.  I showed him the borehole at the back of the plot, the one in the front and the windmill.  All have plenty of water still and he measured how far down from the surface the water is and then took samples from both the back borehole and the tap.  The mine consortium is documenting the results of today's testing to see if there is any significant change once they start digging and drilling....we really hope this mine doesn't go ahead as it can only mean bad things for our area...

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