Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Born Free but Loving Life as it is...

How many times have we had some of our birds flying away over the years...too many times to count that is for sure...but I think since we have been here it has been far more often than ever before. 

I have to admit though that we are truly blessed when it comes to them returning and we being able to catch them again.  It is usually from the second day that we notice them moving closer and I am sure it is because they know that it is here that they are assured of a meal.  On more than one occasion the door to the end Love Bird cage...the one with the most birds in as it is a communal cage where they grow and/or rest before being put down to breed...has not been securely latched.  When this happens it doesn't take much of a wind to loosen it and have the door spring open, giving the birds inside an opportunity for a 'great escape'.  Every time, we have managed to catch all but one or two as they slowly but surely came home.

The day before we went away, you may remember me telling you that our ringnecks had flown away. The morning we left, Johan had already caught 2 and in the following few days, after coaching from Johan, Mariana and Bryan were able to catch another 5, leaving just one that more than likely was left to the elements and the natural order of life.

Just before this last weekend, one of our Timneys made his way out of his cage and I only noticed he was gone in the late afternoon when I went out to do the afternoon rounds.  I must say my faith was lacking here as I did not think that he would return, so I am humbled by the fact that our Lord graciously sent him flying back...not the next day mind you but the day after.  I was busy with the early morning feeding on Saturday, when I thought I heard him nearby.  I scanned the trees around the house and close to the fence and there I saw him perched in a silver oak.  I was just so excited and immediately started talking to him, loud enough for him to hear....although I am sure he saw me long before I saw him.  I carried on with my chores, keeping an eye open all the time, as I noticed him coming closer and closer.  Suddenly he swooped down from the tree he was in towards me and as he did, Todd spotted him too.  He jumped up in the air, snapping at his tail, while poor Mansen tried to take flight again towards the front of the house.  By this time both Barney and Purdey had also seen him and were running and chasing him much faster than I could run.  All the while I kept repeating, 'NO' over and over and in louder monotones, hoping that for once our ill disciplined dogs would listen to me.  Well they did, and as Purdey was about to pounce on him, I reached him with NiQi close behind, and scooped him up in my arms.  As I cradled him, walking with him back towards his open cage I could feel his heart pounding.  Safely home, he certainly looks none the worse for wear and was only to happy to have a bowl of food which included a pile of peanuts....

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