Friday, January 31, 2014

Home again

I am quite miffed that this month we have really battled with our internet, but then looking back on a year ago I seem to remember that it was just as bad this time last year.  This makes me wonder whether it is seasonal because of the extra growth on trees as well as the long grass or whether it is something else.  All I know is that our uncapped internet usage, for which we pay up front every month, has hardly been used and between the 3 of us we have been using other more expensive data for our phones which has cost us an arm and a leg.  That said, it is probably the least of my worries right now, so moan over.....

Almost a week ago how time flies... Niqi and Kyle went away for a few days to Orkney.  Kyle's dad and Nana live there and he wanted to introduce Nix to them both.

Ever the worrier, but realizing that NiQi is no longer a youngster, I relented and let them go.  You must understand that it is a huge thing for me to cut the apron strings so to was bad enough leaving Matthew behind when we moved here, so it is even worse to let NiQi out of my sight for a few days.

When we first moved here, I sms'd Matthew every single day for almost a full year and phoned him at the weekends too.  As is probably the case with most mother/son relationships though, I did not always have a response to my sms's...but I wanted him to know that I loved him, and that he wasn't far from my mind, nor was he forgotten.  I think I missed him more than he missed me so it was harder for me than it was for him, but I learnt to deal with it and as time went by, I missed him less.  I still wish I could see him more than I do, I ache for the conversations we used to have together, he was so often my sounding board on so many things...he was always the voice of reason and just always was and still is my boy of whom I am so proud.

So even though I was forced to 'cut the strings' with Matthew by moving so far from him, with NiQi it has been different and made complicated by the fact that she is more dependent on us.  Letting her go with Kyle was a huge milestone in my life, but one that had to be made at some point. It was a decision that was made easier by the fact that he appears, and I think he has proved, to be, trustworthy.  This did not remove any fear from knowing that it would be a long journey there and back though and that there are so many maniacs that drive on our roads.  Thankfully they arrived in Orkney  in one piece as well as back home again.  NiQi is happy to have met both Kyle's dad and Nana, loved spending time talking to them both as well as looking at photo's of Kyle as a small boy and also enjoyed meeting his cousin too.  As for me...I am just ecstatic to have her home again...

Photo's courtesy of NiQi and Kyle...

Entering Orkney

Kyle's Nana

Kyle's dad

Looking at photo's

Photo's of Kyle as a young boy

NiQi making breakfast for everyone

Kyle with his dad

Kyle with his Nana and dad

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