Monday, January 13, 2014

Saving a Pea Chick

Sometimes I wonder who is more cruel....animals or humans?  I guess that most would say humans because they know right from wrong and have a thinking brain, but then others will argue that animals do too.  All I know is that when it comes to nature, then the circle of life will take it's course and it will eventually come down to 'survival of the fittest'.  Happily there are times that with human intervention an animal can be saved and hopefully nurtured to good health so it can once more be released to live a longer life.

Our pea fowl have been left to roam aimlessly wherever they please and most times there is harmony, however it is days like today when our pooches slink around in the heavy oppressive heat like wild dogs and look for an invitation to do the unthinkable and unimaginable.  Ever listening with an ear to distinguish unusual sounds from the norm, I heard mamma peahen alerting me to trouble and I raced outside to see how bad the damage might be.  Of course it is inevitable that the dogs will outrun the chicks and in an attempt to take flight, their little bodies will not be able to gain enough ground to get away from a dog leaping into the air and snapping in an endeavour to catch it's latest it was that I found Todd chasing a chick that he had unwittingly let loose.  I managed to scoop it up and bring it close to my chest, crooning all the while that it will be alright.  I took it into the bathroom to assess the damage - teeth marks on the underbelly as well as on the top close to where it's wings opens, and it's legs that are at present crippled.  Leaving it in the safety of the bathroom behind closed door, I went out to the tack room to get our can of antibiotic wound spray.  Purple in colour we use it on all our animals if they have cuts and grazes or anything bigger.  It not only helps to heal the wounds, but also keeps the flies away....and at this time of the year when the flies are prevalent, it is imperative we keep them away so they don't lay their eggs in the soft open flesh of the animal.  

All the while, my mind was ticking over....what next...I can't give it back to mamma as she will not be able to protect it again from either the dogs or maybe even a hawk or eagle.  Should I find a box and line it with grass cuttings and keep it in the house for a while?  Should I make it an enclosure close to where they come to feed mielies from me in the mornings and evenings?  Neither in my mind were suitable solutions as in a box it will not get the grubs and other insects it eats when with it's siblings and mamma and an enclosure will make it too open with not enough shade for the middle of the day.  I went looking and came across an old cage not used anymore....big enough to keep it in.  I decided the best spot is in the rabbit enclosure where there is plenty of grass and also it is not too far from where they roost at night.  Mamma can fly over the fence together with it's siblings and be safe from the dogs if she wants to.  I also found a sheet of corrugated iron to place on top of the cage for shade making it spacious, comfy and cool.

It is now safely ensconced inside with a bowl of water and some mielies and I hope and pray that it will heal and soon be reunited with it's family....later I will check on it to see it is alright as the next few hours are crucial to it's healing.  An ordeal like this can make the body go into shock and it may die anyway...I certainly hope not...

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