Sunday, March 30, 2014

Winter is on it's way - Firebreaks and Cut Grass

The same happens every year with us all celebrating the end of summer with it's excruciatingly hot days and the beginning of winter with autumn days bringing cooler temperatures, leaves changing colour and falling and the grass growing at a much slower rate.  Poor Johan has had quite a tough time this year trying to get the cutting of our grass under control, especially with the rains we had in the last month.  With so much falling for days and then weeks on end, which as I've said before is most unusual for us here, the ground stayed wet, too wet to get the mower out, which left the grass to grow...and grow...and grow.

What would we do in life without friends???  Just when you think you are sinking and not able to get on top of things, along comes a knight in shining armour to help out and our knight came in the guise of a neighbouring friend who one afternoon phoned to ask if I was at home....he was on his way with his tractor to help with cutting the grass!!!!  What took him just two hours to do with the tractor would have taken Johan weeks of spare time trying to get it done.  Thankfully we are now set for winter with just the immediate area around the house to finish mowing. The horses are loving it and with it being so much shorter there are less ticks hanging around.  The dogs too can go further afield than the fenced area around the house, as they just nip between the strands of fencing and run off, chasing each other, teasing the horses and sniffing new smells that they are unfamiliar with.  We too can see much further in the distance which is good for keeping anyone who shouldn't be hanging around out of our way.

Tis good, good, good all round at the moment...

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