Friday, February 28, 2014

Is this Intimidation in the New South Africa?

This is an account of what happened to me today and I apologise for it being copied and pasted, but I took it from a statement I typed out that I am going to hand into our local police station tomorrow and quite honestly I am also under the weather today with 'gypo guts' so I really don't have the energy to retype it into my blog.

At just after 13h00, today, 28th February 2014, I was sitting in our lounge when I heard a police siren at my front gate.  I got up to go and look, letting out our dogs at the same time.  When I rounded the corner of the house I was amazed to see a vast number of identifiable police vehicles with other vehicles interspersed with them.  I went back inside quickly to grab our gate key as I realized that I would have to unlock our front gate for them all to come in and turn around to go back out again.  I went to the front gate and before opening it I spoke to the policeman in the first vehicle ( a big black 4x4) who did not get out and identify himself, but stuck his head of the window to speak to me... I asked him what they all wanted?  He said that they have come to check my workers.  I told him I don't have any workers and I am home alone.  Then he said they have come to do a visibility check.  I then unlocked the gate and he drove through, stopping to ask me again about workers. I told him again that we do not have workers here.  Then he asked me where my husband is and I told him he is at work.  He said okay and smiled and said it is just a visibility check.  I asked him if he has come to arrest me for something, to which he replied' No, have you done something wrong?'  I said 'no'.  He then drove up to my house and turned to go out, behind him I counted 11 more vehicles that proceeded up our driveway onto our property, which all turned to file out again. I noticed that 2 of the vehicles had Home Affairs decals on the front doors and one vehicle was an unmarked vehicle (white small bakkie).  In this particular vehicle the passenger was an elderly white man, thick set, with greying hair and a moustache. Before he moved on out, I saw him talking on his cell phone to someone which could have been nothing but under the circumstance I found it suspicious.  One of the police vehicles stopped before going out and a slender African policeman got out and asked me again about workers.  I told him too that we don't have any. He had a file/folder with him and I thought he was going to ask me to sign something when he said to me 'oh it is just a visibility check', however he didn't ask me to sign anything, but turned to speak to a policewoman who stopped driving on her way out, in her police car.  I didn't understand what they were saying to each other, but then she shouted to me about wanting to see my workers.  I told her too it is just me, then she drove off.  The policeman got into the back of one of the other police vans as it went past. I noticed that the vans were not all from this area and one in particular intrigued me as it had Johannesburg Central on the side of the vehicle.  I only remember one vehicle that had Hammanskraal on it, but there could have been more that I failed to notice. I noted that some of the people were in police uniform and others were in civilian clothing. I did not note any of the registration plates on the vehicles as there were too many of them.  I watched the vehicles all proceed down our driveway and turn right down Witstinkhout Street.  I did not notice them stop anywhere else on their way down the road.  If they were checking for workers on my property and came with Home Affairs vehicles included amongst them, why did they not stop over the road, or next door to them, or even at the house next door to me?  All of these plots have live in workers.  I felt victimized and afraid and when they were gone burst into tears at the distress I felt.  I then phoned my husband at work, which I never do, but I felt I had to tell him about what happened and how scared I felt.  I have never seen so many police vehicles in our area before and on other occasions when the police come to do visibility checks there are never so many at any given time.

All afternoon I have been thinking about this and I am more and more convinced that it was deliberately done to un-nerve me, or us because of Johan's involvement in the CPF and AfriForum...whatever, it was I am un-nerved.  Johan sent the above through to the Colonel at the Hammanskraal Police station and asked him on what grounds and authority this happened, to which he replied that he was unaware of it, even though at least one of his vehicles was involved.  He also said that it must have been arranged on a tip off to the Temba police station.

Is this the free and fair democratic country we have become where intimidation of innocent individuals is part of every day life??????

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