Monday, February 10, 2014

Mandela Monday

In 2011 the Nelson Mandela foundation started an initiative leading up to the late statesman's birthday asking all South Africans to spend 15 minutes of each Monday doing good for someone else.

Each Monday in the dying moments of the  Expresso Morning Show, I watch how different people throughout the country are making a difference to others using time from their 'Mondays' and today I decided 'better late than never' and it's high time I started doing something for those in need too.

I already had something in mind when the thought occurred to me, so didn't need to ponder very long on the whole idea....and I have idea's for next week and the following week too.

So today we shared our groceries with a family in need, not a lot but at least it's something...

NiQi and I looked through our cupboards and freezer and hauled out some food items before picking from the vegetable garden too.  We delivered them on the way to town and I'm so glad I have decided to do this.  It may not be big and it may not be touching a lot of people's lives but if we can do something for one person or family at a time then at least we are doing our bit to bring joy for a day to someone other than ourselves....

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