Monday, October 7, 2013

Office Space

Johan has been walking around this evening like the proverbial 'cat that licked the cream'  and all because today I cleaned up his 'office'.  Anyone who knows our house or has visited over the last year, will know that his office has become a redundant space and our dining room has been taken over as his 'office'.  His reasoning behind this is simple... he craves company and the sound of the TV in the background.  His study is isolated and too far away from the rest of the house....according to him.  So for more than a year now he has been working at the dining room table.  Initially, when we wanted to use the dining room table, it would be cleared and then later he would move back to working on it again.  We now eat on our laps and if we have company, tend to eat is so much easier than cleaning up and packing everything away.  Twice over the last year, I have worked my way through the piles of papers that have accumulated, sorting and categorizing...ready to file.  Both times I was promised that it would all be sorted, just not when.....

Today I decided it was time to clear this mess.  You must realize too that because it has become Johan's area, very little has been cleaned here all this time, so I hate to admit it but the layers of dust were dangerously hazardous to my health.  Too quick movements would have had me scratching my nose and sneezing.  As Johan said, there was so much dust I could have planted some seeds and they would have grown!!!!  It took me most off the day to sort it all out, move the papers to the study, dust and polish and shine till the dining room once more looks office. lol  So Johan is a happy chappy tonight, I secretly think he was hoping that eventually I would do this and maybe just maybe he was wondering how much longer he would have to hold out!!!!

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